Our company will promote live on Alibaba in March,The price is the lowest of the year And there are overseas spot products,The specific live broadcast time and store link are as follows:
The United States time:PM 22:00:00--23:00:00 on March 2 .
PM 23:00:00--24:00:00 on March 16 .
One store link: https://kuerplastic.en.alibaba.com/?spm=a2700.7756200.0.0.45eb71d22Hj2hO
The United States time:PM 22:00:00--23:00:00 on March 3 .
PM 22:00:00--23:00:00 on March 8
PM 23:00:00--24:00:00 on March 20
Second store link: https://coolkayak.en.alibaba.com/?spm=a2700.7756200.0.0.3a6171d2liZR7I
The United States time:PM 22:00:00--23:00:00 on March 7.
PM 23:00:00--24:00:00 on March 22
PM 23:00:00--24:00:00 on March 24
Third store link: https://kuercoolers.en.alibaba.com/?spm=a2700.7756200.0.0.6d0071d2TAreS5